XAUT - What is it?

XAUT (the C library) and the corresponding Python module is a way to programatically simulate keyboard and mouse use, as well as manipulate windows. The inspiration for this came from AutoIt as well as AutoHotkey.


I am in the process of re-working this project with the intention of using Perl as the glue language instead of Python.

This project has been sitting idle for several years for various reasons. I am running a completely different GNU/Linux distro these days, and I find that the code no longer works. Part of the problem is that Python 3 is sufficiently different from Python 2 that my code will not work without some changes.

This was my first task where I wrote a fair amount of Python code. At the time I thought this would be a stepping stone to working with Python in my day-job. This turned out to be inaccurate.

Python is a fine language, but as it turns out the only thing I use it for is XAUT. My first love of personal programming languages is Perl, and I find that I'm constantly using Perl for anything personal that isn't XAUT related.

Consequently, I am abandoning the Python version here. I intend to start over again with a clean-slate using Perl 5.x as the glue language for scripting.

If you are reading this message and want the Python code back, then please feel free to pick up where tag 'v0.5.0' leaves off and run with the code. I will be happy to include your continued Python work here.